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Understanding Rear-End Accidents in Baton Rouge

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Understanding Rear-End Accidents in Baton Rouge
April 5, 2024

You were simply slowing down for traffic conditions, or maybe you were sitting at a stop light. Suddenly, another motorist slams into the back of your vehicle. Even drivers who always follow the law and do not have violations on their driving record can become the victim of a rear-end accident. While many people think these crashes are minor, that is not always the case.

Rear-end accidents can result in serious injuries that may stay with you for many weeks, or even months. The vast majority of rear-end accidents happen because negligent drivers fail to pay attention, but there are other reasons, too. Below, our Baton Rouge car accident lawyer explains why these crashes occur, and who can be held liable for paying damages afterward.

What is a Rear-End Collision?

Rear-end accidents happen for a number of different reasons. They are also far more common, and more serious, than most people think. Throughout Louisiana in 2019, there were over 50,000 rear-end accidents. Out of these, 34% resulted in injury, and 35 percent caused significant property damage. While no one thinks a rear-end collision will end in death, 12 percent of the crashes in 2019 resulted in fatality.

A rear-end collision occurs when the front of one vehicle crashes into the back of the car in front of them. This happens for a number of reasons, which include:

  • Tailgating
  • Driver distraction or inattention
  • Speeding
  • Weather conditions, such as heavy rains that made the road slippery

In many cases, an initial rear-end collision causes a chain reaction. When a rear-end accident happens on a highway, for example, it is likely to result in a pileup because motorists do not have time to slow down or stop before they are hit. Multiple vehicle accidents will result in far greater injuries and property damage.

Common Injuries After a Rear-End Collision

A rear-end collision can cause many different types of injuries. Some of the most common of these are as follows:

  • Whiplash: Whiplash is the most common injury sustained in a rear-end collision, and even a minor accident can cause a serious injury. Many people think whiplash is a minor injury, but it is not. The injury occurs when the neck moves back and forth in rapid succession, damaging the soft tissues. Whiplash is extremely painful, significantly limits a person’s mobility in their neck, and can take months for a person to recover from.
  • Lower back injuries: Tears, ruptures, and dislocations of the muscles and ligaments can affect the lower back after a rear-end accident.
  • Spinal cord injuries: In the worst of cases, a rear-end collision can cause damage to the vertebrae in the spine. The vertebrae are small bones that separate the discs and protect them. Any damage to the spinal column should be taken seriously, but the higher up on the spinal cord damage occurs, the more severe the injury.
  • Broken bones: Broken legs, arms, ribs, pelvises, and even shoulders are all possible during a rear-end accident. These injuries usually require surgery to correct and can take months to recover from.
  • Traumatic brain injury: Traumatic brain injuries are caused by violent blows to the head. During a rear-end collision, the head can strike the wheel, dashboard, or other parts of the vehicle, causing a traumatic brain injury.

The above injuries are just a few of the most common sustained during a rear-end collision. It is critical that you seek medical treatment after an accident, to ensure you recover the full settlement you are entitled to.

Who is Liable for a Rear-End Accident in Baton Rouge?

In the majority of rear-end accidents, the trailing driver who caused the impact is at fault. Under state law, all drivers are expected to maintain a safe traveling distance from the vehicle in front of them so they can avoid a rear-end accident.

Although it is rare, there are times when the motorist in front, who was hit, may carry some degree of blame for a rear-end collision. For example, if a motorist did not repair a broken tail light, or failed to turn on their hazard lights after a mechanical issue, they can be held partly liable for a rear-end collision. Stopping in the middle of the road without reason, reversing a vehicle without sufficient warning, and driving erratically can all also show that the driver in front was partly to blame for the crash.

What to Do After a Rear-End Accident

Regardless of whether you hit someone in front of you, or your vehicle was the one that was struck, there are certain steps you should take after a crash. These are as follows:

  • Exchange information: Do not leave the scene of the accident before you have exchanged information with all other motorists involved. This information should include the names, phone numbers, license plate numbers, and insurance details.
  • Locate witnesses: If someone was in the same parking lot or nearby, they may have seen the accident as it happened. Or, if someone pulled over to help, they may have also witnessed the crash. Locate any eyewitnesses and ask them for their names and contact information. First-hand accounts that come from other people can greatly support your claim that you were not at fault for the crash.
  • Collect evidence: There is always a great deal of evidence at the accident scene. Take photos of the overall area, as well as close-ups of damage to vehicles and other important information, such as skid marks on the road. You should also take photos of your injuries.

Our Car Accident Lawyer in Baton Rouge Can Help After a Crash

The aftermath of a rear-end collision can be more confusing than it may seem at first. At Big River Trial Attorneys, our Baton Rouge car accident lawyer can determine who is liable for your crash, and hold them responsible for paying the maximum compensation you deserve. Call us now at (225) 963-9638 or fill out our online form to schedule a free review of your case and to get the legal help you need.

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