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Frequently Asked Questions When Recovering From a Traumatic Brain Injury

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Frequently Asked Questions When Recovering From a Traumatic Brain Injury
December 9, 2022

Frequently Asked Questions When Recovering From A Traumatic Brain Injury

Over 5.3 million adults and children throughout the country suffer from permanent brain injuries and disabilities, according to the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA). To put that in perspective, that means that approximately one in 60 people currently live with a traumatic brain injury, commonly referred to as a TBI.

TBIs are caused by car accidents, slips and falls, assault, abuse, and other serious accidents. Recovering from a TBI is very difficult, and they often cause ongoing symptoms that can be challenging to treat. In the aftermath, it is not uncommon for victims to suffer from physical, mental, and emotional issues that are debilitating. Victims often have questions immediately after sustaining the injury and during their recovery. Below, our Baton Rouge TBI lawyer outlines the most frequently asked questions and their answers.

What Is A Traumatic Brain Injury?

Traumatic brain injuries are caused by a sudden jolt or blow to the head. In other instances, TBIs are a result of an object penetrating the skull and the brain. The majority of TBIs are closed-head injuries, which keep the skull and brain matter intact. Regardless of the type of injury sustained, a TBI can result in bleeding or swelling in the brain, as well as damaged nerve cells. Traumatic brain injuries differ from other types of injuries caused by stroke, oxygen deprivation, or tumors. These latter types of injuries are known as acquired brain injuries (ABIs).

How Are Traumatic Brain Injuries Treated?

Seeking medical attention after any accident is critical, but it is even more important after suffering a traumatic brain injury. The treatment one will receive depends on the seriousness of the TBI and the nature of the injury. For example, a concussion will require a very different treatment than bleeding inside the brain.

Individuals suffering from a severe TBI may require emergency surgery to slow swelling in the brain. On the other hand, some people may need equipment such as a ventilator to assist with their breathing. Traumatic brain injuries often cause people to lapse into a coma while other times, doctors may medically induce a coma, which provides the brain with a chance to recover and start healing.

How Long Does Recovery Take From A Traumatic Brain Injury?

Unfortunately, there is no way to determine how long treatment for a TBI may take. There is also never a guarantee that individuals suffering from a TBI will make a full recovery and that they will not experience symptoms and limitations in their physical ability in the future. Several factors will affect how long it takes someone to recover from a TBI. These include the accident victim’s age, the amount of early intervention they received, the severity of the injury, the amount of family support they have, and the quality of the medical care they receive.

For some individuals, a mild or moderate TBI can have very few long-term impacts on the quality of their life. Sometimes, there are no long-term consequences at all. Concussions, for example, are often considered mild TBIs, with victims making a full recovery in a matter of days or weeks as long as they rest sufficiently. Moderate brain injuries may take longer to heal and require weeks or months of rehabilitation. Moderate TBIs can also cause temporary or permanent emotional or behavioral changes.

The most severe TBIs can cause an individual to lapse into a permanent vegetative state or even suffer wrongful death. Even when victims survive, they may require months, years, or a lifetime of rehabilitation and hospitalization.

Can Previous Head Injuries Show Symptoms Years Later?

Recent research has shown that head injuries can continue to cause problems years after they were sustained. Sustaining multiple TBIs can cause many conditions, such as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), while even sustaining just one concussion can place a person at risk of developing post-concussion syndrome. Post-concussion syndrome has many symptoms, including dizziness, headaches, memory issues, trouble concentrating, changes in mood and behavior, and more.

Our TBI Lawyer In Baton Rouge Can Help After A Head Injury

Traumatic brain injuries are extremely serious, and you may feel the effects for months, or even years, afterward. If you sustained a TBI during an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, our Baton Rouge TBI lawyer at Big River Trial Attorneys can help you claim the compensation that is justly yours. Call us now or contact us online to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys and to learn more about how we can help you claim the full compensation you deserve.

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