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Common Examples of Industrial Accidents

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Common Examples of Industrial Accidents
January 20, 2023

Industrial workers are perhaps most at risk of suffering a catastrophic personal injury while on the job. Mechanics, construction workers, factory employees, Pumps, welders, and others work with industrial equipment, which is incredibly heavy and powerful and can cause some of the most serious accidents. Even an accident that would be seemingly minor in another work environment, such as a slip and fall, can have the most serious, and sometimes even fatal, results. Below, our Baton Rouge workers’ compensation lawyer outlines the most common examples of industrial accidents.

Slip and Falls

Any worker can suffer harm during a slip-and-fall accident, but dangerous conditions are more likely to occur in an industrial setting. Oil, gas, and other liquids can easily cover walkways, hallways, and stairs, putting all workers at risk. Industrial workers should be given a pair of non-slip shoes, or a requirement to wear such footwear should be in place to prevent such accidents.

Falling Objects

When objects fall, particularly from a height, they can cause serious injuries. Factories and warehouses are large spaces, and stock, machinery, and other items may be stored up high, putting them at risk of falling and hurting a worker. On construction sites, workers on higher floors may drop equipment or other items, hurting an employee working on a lower level.

OSHA Violations

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a government agency that outlines certain safety regulations for employers. However, OSHA reports thousands of violations each year. Some of the most common OSHA violations include failure to provide fall protection, respiratory protection, not adhering to scaffolding requirements, and failure to provide personal protective equipment, among others. When safety standards are not met, all industrial workers are at risk of suffering after a serious accident.

Chemical Burns and Exposures

Chemical burns and exposure to toxic materials are more likely to happen in industries and factories that manufacture products or are involved in other scientific processes. Transporting these materials is extremely dangerous, and when they are not safely disposed of, catastrophic injuries can result. Employers also have an obligation to ensure that dangerous chemicals are properly stored so that no worker is at risk of suffering from a chemical burn or exposure.

Smoke Inhalation

The chemicals stored and used in industrial environments can sometimes explode or catch fire and cause serious injury. In other instances, heavy equipment on a job site may also utilize flame, such as pilot lights and boiler units. This heavy machinery is also prone to starting a fire or explosion. Even when a worker safely leaves the scene of a fire or explosion, it does not mean they will not suffer injury. In fact, in some cases, damage from smoke inhalation is much more harmful, and sometimes even more fatal, than the fire or explosion that caused the dangerous smoke.

Overexertion Injuries

Industrial work is extremely physically demanding. Workers are often pushed to their limits as they lift objects that are very heavy or when they have to push heavy objects out of their way or down an assembly line. Overexertion injuries often affect the back, neck, and legs of workers.

Crushing Injuries

The machinery within industrial worksites is extremely heavy. This is a necessity because the machinery in these workplaces performs very big jobs that require a lot of power. Unfortunately, industrial workers must also operate and be in the vicinity of this equipment, and that poses a great danger. Crushing injuries are quite common in industrial workplaces, and they can result in amputations, multiple surgeries to correct the damage, and other losses. After a crushing injury, workers often cannot return to the same line of work, or work at all, in the future.

Dehydration Injuries

Industrial work is intense, and the conditions are often harsh. It is imperative that workers are given a chance to remain hydrated so they do not become involved in an accident. Workers who are dehydrated may suffer from dizziness, light-headedness, headaches, and fatigue. Any one of these will make it harder for industrial workers to focus properly on the job and ensure they do not get hurt. Employers must ensure all workers are given the opportunity to take appropriate nutrition and hydration breaks so these preventable accidents do not occur.

Our Industrial Accident Lawyers in Baton Rouge Can Help After an Industrial Accident

If you have suffered an industrial accident, our Baton Rouge industrial accident lawyers at Big River Trial Attorneys can advise you of your legal options and help you obtain the full coverage you need for your injuries. Call us now at (225) 963-9638 or reach out to us online to schedule a free consultation with one of our skilled attorneys.


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