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What Causes Accidents in Retail Stores?

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What Causes Accidents in Retail Stores?
May 17, 2024

You enter retail stores to purchase groceries, buy things you need for around the home, and maybe even a little treat for yourself. When entering these businesses, you never expect to become injured while there. Unfortunately, accidents happen in these spaces all too often and when they do, people become seriously injured.

Retail store owners and other business owners owe you the highest duty of care to make sure you will stay safe while on their premises. When they fail to meet this duty and a negligent act causes you to become hurt, you can file a claim against the property or store owner under Louisiana’s premises liability laws. Below, our Baton Rouge premises liability lawyer explains the most common causes of these accidents.

Wet and Slippery Floors

Perhaps the most common cause of accidents in retail stores is floors that are wet and slippery. Spills frequently happen in grocery stores, or employees may mop a floor and not place out signage warning customers of slippery conditions. Additionally, entryways may become wet and slippery during periods of heavy rain. Property owners should always try to keep their floors dry and clean, and warn customers when they are unable to do so.

Slip and Fall Accidents

It is not only wet and slippery floors that cause slip and falls. Cluttered floors, uneven floors, torn carpeting, loose floorboards, unsecured wires and cords, and more can all result in a slip and fall accident in a retail store. These spaces are often not carpeted, which can result in traumatic brain injuries and more if a customer hits their head on the floor during the fall.

Falling Merchandise

Falling merchandise is another very common cause of accidents in retail spaces. Employees may stack merchandise too high, causing it to topple and fall onto customers, often resulting in head and traumatic brain injuries. Or, shelves may be faulty and unable to hold merchandise loaded onto them. Lastly, mannequins and other display items may also fall onto a customer and cause an accident.

Insufficient Lighting

Lighting is of critical importance in any space. When a retail store is not properly lit, customers may not see obstacles in their way and trip over them. Insufficient lighting, particularly in areas such as parking lots, can also result in assaults and other criminal activity. Property owners have a duty to ensure their premises have enough lighting to keep everyone safe. When they fail to do so, they are considered negligent and can be held liable for any accident or criminal act that occurs.

Inadequate Security

Insufficient lighting is one example of inadequate security, but there are others, too. For example, if a property does not have proper video footage surveillance or security personnel, they may be found negligent for a criminal activity that occurs on their property. This is particularly true if there has been criminal activity at the location in the past, and if the owner knew about it.

Improper Lifting and Handling

Retail stores often carry merchandise that is very heavy. For example, an electronics store may sell a 75” television that weighs more than 100 pounds. Staff members in the store should be ready to assist customers with these heavy purchases and should know how to handle them properly so no one becomes hurt.

Malfunctioning Shopping Carts

Customers use shopping carts regularly and again, they never expect them to be defective or malfunction. Unfortunately, this can happen. Wheels on shopping carts can be defective or missing, which can cause the cart to become unstable and result in the customer losing control of it. This can cause them to become hurt during the process, or the cart may crash into another customer, hurting them in the process.

Obstructions in Aisles

Most retail stores have aisles dividing the merchandise into different categories. As customers walk up and down these aisles, it is critical that they are free of obstructions. If they are not, customers may run into them and trip, resulting in a fall. Obstructed aisles are particularly dangerous when a customer is pushing a shopping cart, as they may not be able to see obstacles in front of them.

Our Personal Injury Lawyers in Baton Rouge Can Help After an Accident

If you have been hurt in a retail store, it is important that you speak to our Baton Rouge personal injury lawyers today. At Big River Trial Attorneys, our experienced attorneys can determine what caused your accident and who is liable so you obtain the full and fair damages you deserve. Call us now at (225) 963-9638 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and to get more information.

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