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What Happens When You Slip and Fall in a Restaurant in Louisiana?

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What Happens When You Slip and Fall in a Restaurant in Louisiana?
November 8, 2019

What Happens When You Slip And Fall In A Restaurant In Louisiana?

According to research done by the National Safety Council, slip and fall accidents are the third leading cause of unintentional injury-related fatalities. In 2016, almost 35,000 people died in falls. For some industries like construction and manufacturing, falls continue to be the leading cause of death.

Slip and fall accidents can occur anywhere and at any time. Serious falls can cause a victim to sustain serious injuries such as bone fractures, breaks, spine and nerve damage, or even traumatic brain injuries. Due to the fact that businesses have a legal responsibility to ensure that their property is safe, it is crucial for companies to stay up to date with all maintenance needs to prevent falls and injuries from occurring.

A large number of slip and fall accidents take place in restaurants. This is likely due to the narrow walkways and the possibility of wet or greasy floors. Unfortunately, not all restaurants exercise the proper safety procedures which can lead to the occurrence of a slip and fall accident.

If you or someone you love has been injured in a slip and fall accident in a restaurant, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact our Baton Rouge personal injury law firm today to learn about your legal rights and options.

What To Do After You Slip And Fall In A Restaurant In Louisiana

In Louisiana, the law states that a premise owner is liable for damages sustained by a victim as a direct result of a dangerous condition existing on his or her property. The law further claims that the victim may file a claim for injuries if the premise owner had knowledge of the dangerous conditions.

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident in Louisiana, there are a few things to keep in mind when filing a claim. The following is a list of steps to take after an accident takes place:

Seek Medical Attention

After an accident occurs, it is imperative that the victim receives the necessary medical attention.

Report The Slip And Fall

Before leaving the restaurant, victims should locate a manager or restaurant owner and inform them about the accident, where it took place, and how it was caused. Victims should request a formal report to be written and acquire a copy of the report for proof of occurrence.

Document Evidence From The Accident Site

Injuries willing, victims should return to where the accident happened to take pictures that will help to verify their account of the incident. Taking pictures of cuts, bruises, or other injuries sustained will also help to build a case. If the restaurant has security cameras it is helpful to take pictures of those for future footage requests.

Collecting and documenting as much data and information from the accident site will help to strengthen a victim’s case. If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident at a restaurant in Louisiana, contact our Baton Rouge personal injury law firm today.

Louisiana Slip And Fall Accident Attorneys

Big River Trial Attorneys has years of experience handling a number of different personal injury cases. Our skilled slip and fall accident attorneys are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest-quality legal representation in Louisiana.

Our Baton Rouge personal injury attorneys have extensive knowledge of Louisiana law and are committed to providing answers and options after an accident and injury occurs. If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident in a restaurant in Louisiana, contact Big River Trial Attorneys today, at (225) 963-9638.

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